1.後発薬市場14年までに3割増、大型薬特許切れで 民間調査
3.リウマチ、早期治療で効果 新診断基準の導入で
6.「特集 震災医療 成果と反省」Vol.8次の災害に備えて研究所を立ち上げ
22.More Evidence Shows That Daily Aspirin Might Combat Cancer
23.Blood Pressure Variance Between Arms Points to Heart Risk
24.Vitamin E Supplements Don't Affect Heart Failure Risk: Study
25.Stem Cell Therapy Could Boost Kidney Transplant Success: Study
26.Adrenaline Therapy for Cardiac Arrest Linked to Worse Outcomes
27.Electroconvulsive therapy: Aberdeen team says it 'turns down overactive connection'
28.Study Explains How Shock Therapy Might Ease Severe Depression
29.Less Invasive Hernia Procedure Easier on Patients: Study
30.New Type 2 Diabetes Drug Helps Lower Blood Sugar: Study
31.Antioxidants May Not Help Alzheimer's Patients
32.Lightheadedness Upon Standing Could Signal Heart Risk
33.Could Statins Help Prevent Pneumonia?
34. プレスリリース
1) Avian influenza – situation in Egypt – update
2) 大豆イソフラボンが、メラニン生成に関わる酵素「DCT」を抑制し、美白に有効であることを明らかにしました
1.後発薬市場14年までに3割増、大型薬特許切れで 民間調査
阪大・ハワイ大が実験 不妊治療に応用も
3.リウマチ、早期治療で効果 新診断基準の導入で
リウマチを患ってから10年たち、産業医大病院 (同市)で生物学的製剤アバタセプト(製品名オレンシア)を初めて点滴したときのことだ。
東北大学の寺崎哲也教授らの開発した三連四重極型質量分析装置を用いる分析技術を実現した研究成果を生かし、大学発ベンチャーの「プロテオメディックス フロンティアーズ」が今月末、設立される。複数のたん白質を高感度に定量化分析する新技術で、第1弾として効率的に薬剤を運搬するたん白質や代謝するたん白質など定量化できるオンデマンド型試薬キットを同ベンチャー企業が製品化する。たん白質の定量化にかかわる新たなプラットフォーム技術として普及させる考え。
発足したプロテオメディックス フロンティアーズは、資本金1000万円。仙台市青葉区内の東北大学連携ビジネスインキュベーターに本社機能を置く。5年後10億円の売上高を目指す。
6.「特集 震災医療 成果と反省」Vol.8次の災害に備えて研究所を立ち上げ
現場医師10人「私が今、考えること」 石巻赤十字病院 石井 正氏
M3 2012年3月20日
徳田氏が成人かどうか判断を分けるのはおよそ40歳。40歳未満の若年者ならば、単純な感冒に抗菌薬の適応はないと徳田氏は考えている。40歳未満は対症療法のみで治りやすく、30代未満についてはウイルスが多いと報告した北欧の実証的研究などがあるためだ(J Clin Microbiol. 1998 Feb;36(2):539-42.、Lancet. 2003 Jan 4;361(9351):51-9. )。
徳田氏は、症状が下気道まで及ぶ気管支炎では積極的に抗菌薬を処方している。「咳や有色痰などの気管支炎症状で苦しむ急性気管支炎を診た時、その場で原因がウイルスか細菌かを知ることは不可能に近い。ウイルスの場合もあろうが、細菌の可能性も高いというエビデンス(Postgrad Med 2001;109:39-47.)がある。それを踏まえ、本人の苦痛や社会的状況を考えて、必要性が高いと判断された人には躊躇せずに抗菌薬を投与する」と述べる。
上気道炎のある場合と共通しているが、過去に風邪症状の後に1、2カ月にわたって咳、有色の痰が続く、という病歴を持っている場合は抗菌薬の処方をためらわない。そのような患者にHRCT検査を実施すると軽度の気管支拡張症が見つかることが多いと徳田氏は言う。現在、気管支拡張症は著しく軽症化している。HRCTのみで診断されるケースが増えている点に徳田氏は注目している(Radiol Clin North Am. 2002 ;40:1-19.)
さらに気管支炎を起こしている場合で、背景疾患があれば、処方の期間を延ばす。「気管支喘息、気管支拡張症、肺気腫、肺線維症などの背景疾患を持つ人の場合、細菌が原因である場合が多い。自然治癒することがあるとはいえ、放置した場合に肺炎を起こしたり、背景疾患の急性悪化を起こしたりするケースも多い」と徳田氏は言う。炎症が上気道に限局する場合はセフェムでも良いが、下気道も巻き込まれている場合は5日以内のレスピラトリーキノロンの短期投与を徳田氏は勧める。「レスピラトリーキノロンの5日以内の短期投与は、近年、欧米で慢性下気道炎の急性増悪への投与を中心に臨床研究の成果が蓄積されてきた。アモキシシリンを含めたほかの薬剤と比べて、速やかに症状を改善させて、しかも耐性の増加を招かな いという認識で一致しつつある」(徳田氏)。
1週時、2週時、4週時の右冠動脈、左冠動脈主幹部、前下行枝のZスコアとそれぞれの最大値はすべてIVIG+PSL群で有意に低かった(Mann-Whitney U検定のP値に基づく)。
原題は「Efficacy of immunoglobulin plus prednisolone for prevention of coronary artery abnormalities in severe Kawasaki disease (RAISE study): a randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoints trial」
【原題】Postmortem Imaging as an Alternative to Autopsy
Journal Watch Hospital Medicine日経メディカル2012年3月20日
Major discrepancies in cause of death were found in 30% of cases.
Can advanced imaging serve as an alternative to full autopsy in determining the cause of unexpected death? Prompted by religious and other objections to autopsy and to an organ harvesting scandal in the 1990s, British investigators randomly selected 182 adult cases referred to coroners in two cities during a 2-year period. For each case, whole-body postmortem computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies were obtained prior to full autopsy. Two pairs of radiologists independently interpreted the CT and MRI studies, respectively. Each pair produced a consensus report based on a single imaging modality, and all four radiologists produced a final consensus report based on both modalities. Reports identified cause of death, the radiologists' confidence in their conclusions, and their recommendation as to whether autopsy was needed.
In 30% of cases, major discrepancies in cause of death (organ or pathology) occurred between the consensus report and autopsy. In 48% of cases, radiologists reported a "definite" consensus diagnosis not requiring autopsy; in one third of these, major discrepancies with autopsy findings occurred. CT consistently yielded fewer discrepancies with autopsy than did MRI. The most frequently over- and underidentified diagnoses were coronary heart disease, pulmonary embolism, bronchopneumonia, and intestinal infarction.
Neither imaging modality accurately identified vascular events, a major cause of unexpected death, or distinguished clearly between pneumonia and pulmonary edema. However, imaging might be better than autopsy for identifying some fractures and central nervous system lesions. The authors suggest that advanced imaging (including postmortem angiography) and lessinvasive biopsy techniques might reduce ― but not eliminate ― the need for full autopsies.
― Bruce Soloway, MD
Roberts ISD et al. Post-mortem imaging as an alternative to autopsy in the diagnosis of adult deaths: A validation study. Lancet 2011 Nov 22; [e-pub ahead of print]. (
重篤な低ホスファターゼ症の乳幼児に対し、開発中のENB-0040による酵素補充療法が、肺および身体機能を改善することが報告された。米国・シュライナーズ小児病院(ハワイ州)のMichael P. Whyte氏らによる多国間オープンラベル試験の結果で、治療24週でX線上の所見での骨格改善が認められた。くる病や骨軟化症に至る低ホスファターゼ症は、組織非特異型アルカリホスファターゼアイソザイム(TNSALP)の遺伝子変異により生じる。重篤な乳児では、進行性胸部変形を呈し呼吸機能不全を来し死亡に至ったり、また骨疾患が持続する場合が多いが、承認されている内科的治療法はいまだない。ENB-0040は、骨を標的とする遺伝子組換えヒトTNSALPで、マウス試験で低ホスファターゼ症の症状発現を抑えることが認められていた。NEJM誌2012年3月8日号掲載報告より。
軽度~中等度アルツハイマー病に対するコリンエステラーゼ阻害薬のベネフィットは臨床試験により示されているが、中等度~重度に進行後もベネフィットが持続するかは明らかとなっていない。英国・ロンドン大学のRobert Howard氏らは、3ヵ月以上ドネペジル(商品名:アリセプトほか)を服用していた中等度~重度の居宅アルツハイマー病患者を対象に、同薬を中止した場合、継続した場合、NMDA受容体拮抗薬メマンチン(商品名:メマリー)に切り替えた場合、両薬を併用した場合とを比較する多施設共同二重盲検2×2プラセボ対照試験を行った。NEJM誌2012年3月8日号より。
血行再建術前の心筋遅延造影MRIによる心筋バイアビリティは、虚血性左室機能不全患者の死亡の独立予測因子と成り得ることが示された。ベルギー・ルーヴァンカトリック大学のBernhard L. Gerber氏らが、144例の冠動脈疾患と左室機能不全を有する患者を前向きに追跡した結果で、「この知見は、左室機能に障害のある患者が血行再建術を施行すべきかどうかの術前選択に役立つ可能性がある」と結論している。先行研究では、心筋遅延造影MRIが血行再建術後の左室機能不全の回復を予測し得ることが示されていた。
この研究は低駆出率の冠動脈疾患例における、心筋遅延造影MRI (DE-CMR:delayed-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance)による心筋バイアビリティ評価と、患者の生存に対する血行再建術の影響を評価することを目的として行われた。研究グループは冠動脈疾患(CAD)と左室(LV)機能不全(駆出率:24±7%)を有し、DE-CMR検査を受けている被験者144例(男性130例、65±11歳)を前向きに追跡した。
MRIの遅延造影は心筋壊死や線維化を示す。 これまで、大動脈弁狭窄の術後や拡張型心筋症の患者において、このMRI遅延造影が予後不良の独立した予測因子であることが示されていた。
([監修] 自治医科大学 循環器科 教授 苅尾七臣)
ステント留置5年後の、被験者における冠動脈疾患(CAD)イベント発生率は25.7%で、ステント留置成功例においても、イベント発生率は責任病巣のほうが新規病変よりも高いままであることが示された。これは日常臨床における薬剤溶出ステントの費用対効果を、ベアメタルステントと比較したBasel Stent Cost-Effectiveness Trial (BASKET)の追加解析の結果による。
([監修] 自治医科大学 循環器科 教授 苅尾七臣)
テストステロン補充療法の際に、5α-レダクターゼ阻害薬のデュタステリド(国内では前立腺肥大症としてのみ適応、商品名:アボルブ)を併用しても、筋肉・臓器・骨などを計測対象とした除脂肪体重の増加への影響はほとんどないことが明らかにされた。デュタステリドには、テストステロンの5α-ジヒドロテストステロンへの変換を阻害する作用がある。米国・ボストン大学のShalender Bhasin氏らが、約140人の健康な男性について行った、無作為化プラセボ対照試験で明らかにしたもので、JAMA誌2012年3月7日号で発表した。
具体的には、除脂肪体重の増加量平均値は、デュタステリド群でテストステロン50 mg/週群では0.6kg、同125 mg/週群では2.6kg、同300 mg/週群では5.8kg、同600mg/週では7.1kgだった。一方でプラセボ群は、テストステロン50 mg/週群では0.8kg、同125 mg/週群では3.5kg、同300 mg/週群では5.7kg、同600mg/週では8.1kgだった。
抗てんかん薬抵抗性の側頭葉てんかん患者に対し、早期に側頭切除を行うことで、治療薬継続群との比較でその後2年間の発作が抑制されることが示された。米国・カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校のJerome Engel Jr,氏らが、38人の内側側頭葉てんかん患者について行った試験で明らかにしたもので、JAMA誌2012年3月7日号で発表した。これまでも成功例が報告されているにもかかわらず、手術療法は最後の手段とされ、発作後20年を経てからの手術依頼が一般的で、重大障害や早期死亡を回避するには遅すぎるのが現状だという。
文献:Smith KJ et al.Cost-effectiveness of Adult Vaccination Strategies Using Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Compared With Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine.JAMA. 2012;307(8):804-812.
文献:Sun Y et al.Risk of Febrile Seizures and Epilepsy After Vaccination With Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus, and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b.JAMA. 2012;307(8):823-831.
文献:Avery AJ et al.A pharmacist-led information technology intervention for medication errors (PINCER): a multicentre, cluster randomised, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis.The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 21 February 2012.
文献:Wirostko BM et al.Ocular safety of sildenafil citrate when administered chronically for pulmonary arterial hypertension: results from phase III, randomised, double masked, placebo controlled trial and open label extension.BMJ 2012;344:e554.
肺動脈性高血圧症患者277人を対象に、シルデナフィル長期服用の眼への影響を第3相無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照試験と非盲検継続投与試験で検討。追跡調査18カ月の結果、最大用量80mg 1日3回の眼への安全性と高い忍容性が示唆された。日常投与と視覚変化とは関連せず、最高矯正視力、コントラスト感度などに有害な影響はなかった。
文献:Zauber AG et al.Colonoscopic Polypectomy and Long-Term Prevention of Colorectal-Cancer Deaths.N Engl J Med 2012; 366:687-696.
文献:Quintero E et al.Colonoscopy versus Fecal Immunochemical Testing in Colorectal-Cancer Screening.N Engl J Med 2012; 366:697-706.
22.More Evidence Shows That Daily Aspirin Might Combat Cancer
Latest findings don't mean people should start popping aspirin every morning, experts stress
HealthDay News2012年3月20日
Aspirin, a popular weapon in the war against heart attacks, may also play a role in cancer prevention and treatment, three new British studies suggest.
"We have now found that after taking aspirin for three or four years there starts to be a reduction in the number of people with the spread of cancers, so it seems as well as preventing the long-term development of cancers, there is good evidence now that it is preventing the spread of cancers," said lead researcher Dr. Peter M. Rothwell, a professor of neurology at the University of Oxford and John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.
"Because aspirin prevents the spread of cancers, it could potentially be used as a treatment," he added.
But the research is not conclusive, and did not prove that aspirin combats cancer. So, people should not start popping aspirin in the hopes of thwarting cancer, experts said.
Previously, these investigators showed that a daily dose of aspirin taken over 10 years appeared to prevent some cancers, but the short-term benefits and the benefits for women weren't clear.
Currently, a daily low-dose aspirin is recommended for people who have had a heart attack or stroke to prevent another. "It may well be that taking aspirin to prevent cancer becomes the main reason for taking it," Rothwell said.
Aspirin may work against cancer by inhibiting platelets, which promote clotting and also help cancer cells spread, he said.
The papers were published March 21 in The Lancet and The Lancet Oncology.
In one study, Rothwell's team analyzed data from 51 clinical trials comparing aspirin with no aspirin in preventing heart attacks.
Overall, daily low-dose aspirin reduced the risk of dying from cancer 15 percent. Taking aspirin five years or more reduced the risk 37 percent, and over three years, the risk reduction was about 25 percent for both men and women, the researchers noted.
In addition, aspirin was associated with a 12 percent reduction in deaths from non-cardiovascular causes, they found.
In another study, Rothwell's team looked at the effect of aspirin on slowing the spread of cancer, or metastasis.
Their data came from five clinical trials that also looked at daily low-dose aspirin (75 milligrams or more) and heart attack and stroke prevention. The researchers zeroed in on patients who developed cancer.
Over more than six years of follow-up, low-dose aspirin reduced the risk of distant metastasis by 36 percent, compared with cancer patients receiving a placebo, they found.
Moreover, aspirin reduced the risk of metastasis in solid tumors, such as colon, lung and prostate cancer, by 46 percent and by 18 percent for cancers of the bladder and kidney.
It also reduced the risk of diagnosing a cancer that had already spread by 31 percent. For those who continued to take aspirin after a cancer diagnosis, the risk of metastasis was cut by 69 percent, the researchers calculated.
Aspirin also reduced the risk of dying from cancer by about half. These risk reductions remained after taking into account age and sex, the researchers said.
In a third study, Rothwell's group looked at the effect of aspirin on metastases by analyzing observational studies rather than clinical trials.
These studies revealed a 38 percent reduction in colon cancer, which matched well with the risk reduction seen in clinical trials, they said. There were similar findings for esophageal, gastric, biliary and breast cancer, they added.
While the study is attention-getting, not everyone agrees with the overall conclusions.
Among them is Nancy R. Cook, an associate biostatistician at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston and co-author of an accompanying journal editorial. She pointed out that these studies only dealt with trials where aspirin was given daily, whereas two large trials in which aspirin was given every other day found no connection with cancer prevention.
"Aspirin seems to work for people who have had cardiovascular disease. Perhaps in the long-term it will turn out to be protective for cancer, but we need to verify that and get more information," Cook said.
And, aspirin is not benign, Cook said, pointing out risks for bleeding and other gastrointestinal problems.
People should not start taking aspirin hoping to preventing cancer, Cook said. "Most of the studies show that the effect doesn't accrue until after 10 years," she noted.
Eric Jacobs, strategic director of pharmacoepidemiology for the American Cancer Society, said that "this study provides important new evidence that long-term daily aspirin, even at low doses, may lower risk of developing cancer."
However, any decision about treatment should be made on an individual basis in consultation with a doctor, he said.
"Because these results are new," Jacobs added, "it will take time for the broader scientific community to evaluate the data in the context of existing knowledge and to consider whether the clinical guidelines should be changed."
More information
For more on cancer, visit the American Cancer Society.
SOURCES: Peter M. Rothwell, M.D., Ph.D., professor, neurology, University of Oxford and John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, U.K.; Nancy R. Cook, Sc.D., associate biostatistician, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Eric Jacobs, Ph.D., strategic director, pharmacoepidemiology, American Cancer Society; March 21, 2012, The Lancet, March 21, 2012, The Lancet Oncology
23.Blood Pressure Variance Between Arms Points to Heart Risk
Study offers more evidence that measurements from both limbs should become routine
HealthDay News2012年3月20日
Calculating the difference in blood pressure readings taken from the left and right arms might help predict a patient's odds of dying from heart disease, a new study suggests.
Researchers found that people with high blood pressure whose blood pressure varies significantly between each arm are at higher risk of cardiovascular death over 10 years.
The study supports "inter-arm difference as a simple indicator of increased cardiovascular risk," say a team led by Dr. Andrew Gould, of the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry in Plymouth, England.
The new findings echo those of a study published in January in The Lancet. That study, also conducted by researchers at Peninsula College, reviewed data from 28 studies looking at differences between systolic blood pressure [the top number in a reading] between the right and left arms.
The team found that a difference of 15 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or more between readings was linked with an increased risk of narrowing or hardening of the arteries supplying the lower limbs, called peripheral vascular disease.
In the new study, Gould and colleagues looked at 230 patients with high blood pressure. They found that, after adjusting for age and gender, there was a 9 percent increased risk of death over the next 10 years for every one mm/Hg difference in blood pressure reading between the arms.
The findings suggest that blood pressure should be routinely measured in both arms for patients undergoing treatment for hypertension, the researchers report March 20 in the online edition of the BMJ.
One expert in the United States agreed with the findings.
"As the recent article points out, blood pressure readings in the right and left arm may differ by a few points," said Dr. Kevin Marzo, chief of cardiology at Winthrop-University Hospital in Mineola, N.Y. "However, a difference of more than 10 points [mm/Hg] could suggest trouble and alert the physician to intensify treatment strategies for preventing a heart attack or stroke. The 'vital' signs should include blood pressure in both arms -- a screening test that adds no cost, little time and potentially so critical to initiating lifesaving treatment.'
For patients found to have different blood pressure readings in their arms, subsequent monitoring should be performed in the arm with the higher reading because doing so would help determine necessary treatment, Dr. Dae Hyun Kim of Harvard Medical School added in an accompanying journal editorial.
Further research is needed to establish the link between different blood pressure readings in the arm and death risk, Kim added.
More information
The American Academy of Family Physicians has more about high blood pressure.
SOURCES: Kevin Marzo, M.D., chief of cardiology, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, N.Y.; British Medical Journal, news release, March 20, 2012
24.Vitamin E Supplements Don't Affect Heart Failure Risk: Study
Large review showed they did not make any difference in healthy women
HealthDay News2012年3月20日
Vitamin E supplements don't appear to affect a healthy woman's overall risk of heart failure one way or the other, researchers report.
"It neither increases nor decreases the risk," said study author Dr. Claudia Chae, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
This latest finding, published in the March 20 issue of Circulation: Heart Failure, differs from previous reports of an increased risk of heart failure with the use of the supplement. However, those studies looked at the effect of the supplements in women who had heart disease or diabetes or who had suffered a heart attack.
The new study is believed to be the first to look at whether vitamin E supplements might help healthy women avoid heart failure.
The new study, Chae said, "adds to a pretty substantial body of data" that does not support the use of supplements for preventing heart disease.
Vitamin E has been suggested as a way to improve heart health due to its antioxidant properties.
For the new study, Chae and her colleagues evaluated nearly 40,000 women enrolled in the Women's Health Study. Each of them took 600 international units of either vitamin E or an inactive placebo every other day. (An intake from food of 22 international units, or about 15 milligrams of vitamin E per day, is the current Institute of Medicine recommendation.)
The researchers followed the women for a decade, on average. During that time, 220 cases of heart failure occurred. The women's intake of vitamin E supplements did not change their risk of developing heart failure. This finding remained true even after the researchers adjusted for factors such as age.
Chae's team then looked at a subgroup that had a type of heart failure known as heart failure with normal ejection fraction. It occurs during the time when the heart is relaxing as it fills with blood.
In this subgroup, the investigators did find that vitamin E supplements reduced the risk of this type of heart failure by 41 percent. However, Chae said people should not make too much of this finding.
It is one observation and involves only a subgroup. "You always have to interpret subgroup analysis with caution," she said.
The study was supported by the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the U.S. National Cancer Institute, the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation and the Elizabeth Anne and Karen Barlow Corrigan Women's Heart Health Program at Massachusetts General Hospital.
"This is important research," said Dr. Gregg Fonarow, director of the Ahmanson Cardiomyopathy Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
The strengths of the research, he said, include the random assigning of the women to take vitamin E supplements or a placebo, and the focus on whether the vitamin supplements prevent the development of heart disease in women who didn't have it at the start.
"Supplementing with vitamin E is not needed," he said, in women trying to prevent heart disease.
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of women and heart disease at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, agreed. "This is another study that [shows] vitamin E supplementation really has no benefit," she said.
"I think the take-home message is that in a healthy population, there is no need or room or benefit for vitamin E supplements," said Steinbaum.
Women who want to ward off heart disease should turn to exercise and other proven strategies, Steinbaum added.
Fonarow and Chae agreed that other strategies are proven. Besides exercise, they recommend:
Keep blood pressure at a healthy level
Keep cholesterol at normal levels
Maintain or get down to a healthy body weight
Don't smoke
More information
To learn more about heart disease prevention among women, visit the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Claudia Chae, M.D., M.P.H., cardiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; Suzanne Steinbaum, D.O., director, women and heart disease, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, and national spokeswoman, American Heart Association's Go Red for Women Campaign; Gregg Fonarow, M.D., professor, cardiovascular medicine and science, and director, Ahmanson Cardiomyopathy Center, University of California, Los Angeles; March 20, 2012, Circulation: Heart Failure
25.Stem Cell Therapy Could Boost Kidney Transplant Success: Study
Short-term rejection rates better for recipients than those taking standard drugs, study finds
HealthDay News2012年3月20日
A novel technique that uses a kidney transplant recipient's own stem cells may someday replace or reduce the initial use of anti-rejection medications, new research suggests.
Six months after receiving a kidney transplant, only about 8 percent of people given their own mesenchymal stem cells experienced rejection compared with almost 22 percent of people on the standard anti-rejection drugs, according to the study.
"Mesenchymal stem cells are stem cells that can be differentiated into a variety of cells," explained Dr. Camillo Ricordi, study senior author and director of the Cell Transplant Center and Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
"If you infuse mesenchymal stem cells at the time of the transplant, you could replace the use of powerful anti-rejection drugs, and maybe replace immunosuppressants altogether," he said. This technique could be used in the transplantation of islet cells (in the pancreas) for people with type 1 diabetes, and for other organ transplants, such as the liver, he added.
The people given their own stem cells also had improved kidney function earlier after transplant, Ricordi said.
Results of the study appear in the March 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
One of the biggest remaining hurdles in organ transplantation remains the need for powerful anti-rejection and immune-suppressing medications after the transplant.
"Basically, the way we prevent kidney rejections is by putting you on very powerful anti-rejection drugs and immunosuppressive agents to prevent your cells from attacking the foreign organ," said Dr. Robert Provenzano, chair of the department of nephrology, hypertension and transplantation at St. John Providence Health System in Detroit. "But, the current standard has some problems, like an increased risk of infections and the possibility of creating a cancer."
The body's immune system sends out surveillance cells to protect the body against foreign invaders, such as a bacteria, virus or, in this case, a new organ, Provenzano said. The current method of preventing these cells from attacking the new organ is essentially to destroy the surveillance cells. But mesenchymal cells can naturally suppress those surveillance cells so they don't attack, he said.
To see if this suppression would be enough to prevent rejection, Ricordi and his colleagues, including researchers from Xiamen University in China, recruited 159 people with serious kidney disease who were on dialysis. They ranged in age from 18 to 61.
The study participants all had medically well-matched relatives willing to donate a kidney for transplant.
Each was randomly assigned to receive one of three treatments after transplant. One group got standard treatment with anti-rejection medication (induction therapy) and immune-suppressing medication known as calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs). Another group was infused with their own stem cells and the standard dose of CNIs, while the final group received stem cells plus a lower dose of CNIs (80 percent of the standard dose).
Survival rates for the patients and their new kidney were similar for all three groups at 13 to 30 months, the study found.
But before that, at six months, nearly 21.6 percent of those on standard therapy experienced rejection, compared with 7.5 percent of the stem cell plus standard CNIs, and 7.7 percent in the stem cell plus low-dose CNIs.
Both groups who received stem cells recovered kidney function faster than those on standard therapy. And at one year, the researchers found that the risk of opportunistic infections was reduced by nearly 60 percent in those who got the stem cell treatment.
Provenzano expressed enthusiasm for the new procedure. "I see this as the continued evolution of transplant medicine. It's very exciting to be able to use your own natural cells instead of more toxic medications," he said. He added that more studies are needed to confirm these findings and study long-term effects, but said "the data here appears promising."
Some experts are less impressed. "This is a novel technique, but I don't think it would be regarded as a significant step forward. It was only significant at six months," said Dr. Glyn Morgan, the associate director of transplantation at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. And, he added, "It's only a change in the induction protocol. Primary immunosuppressant agents are still used long term."
Other researchers have also been testing the use of stem cells in transplants. The March 7 issue of Science Translational Medicine reported on an attempt to transfer stem cells from the donor to the transplant recipient before transplant, in an attempt to create a hybrid immune system that would accept the new organ. Five of eight patients studied haven't needed medications to suppress their immune systems, according to the study.
Ricordi said perhaps a combination of stem cell therapies might lead to even more effective immune suppression.
More information
Learn more about the immune-suppressing medications used after a kidney transplant from the National Kidney Foundation.
SOURCES: Camillo Ricordi, M.D., director, Diabetes Research Institute, and chief, division of cellular transplantation, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Glyn Morgan, M.D., associate director of transplantation, NYU Langone Medical Center, and associate professor, NYU School of Medicine, New York City; Robert Provenzano, M.D., chair, department of nephrology, hypertension and transplantation, St. John Providence Health System, Detroit; March 21, 2012, Journal of the American Medical Association
26.Adrenaline Therapy for Cardiac Arrest Linked to Worse Outcomes
In short-term, drug still helps restore the pulse, study found
HealthDay News2012年3月20日
The decades-old practice of treating cardiac arrest patients with epinephrine -- adrenaline -- might do more harm than good in the long run, suggests a new analysis of hundreds of thousands of cases.
Japanese researchers found that cardiac arrest patients given epinephrine were more likely to survive one month, compared with those who didn't get the treatment. But when the investigators adjusted their figures statistically so they wouldn't be thrown off by various factors, the patients who got epinephrine actually became less likely to survive a month.
And among those given epinephrine who did survive, only one-quarter of them were in good shape neurologically a month later, the study authors noted.
On the other hand, the patients who received the drug were more likely to have their pulses restored before they got to the hospital, according to the report published in the March 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Dr. Clifton Callaway, an executive vice chair of emergency medicine at the University of Pittsburgh who wrote an accompanying journal editorial, said the new findings raise questions about the routine use of the drug.
"We need to figure out why those patients aren't doing well," Callaway said. "It improves that likelihood that we'll get the heartbeat back, but it looks like we're paying a price."
Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart fails to beat properly. It's not the same as a heart attack, although a heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest.
Physicians and paramedics often use epinephrine in conjunction with cardioversion -- the shocking of the heart with electricity -- to restore the heart to its normal rhythm in patients with cardiac arrest.
Although the drug was once given directly to the heart through a long needle, that doesn't happen anymore, Callaway said. The new study examined its use as an intravenous treatment.
The study looked at nearly 420,000 cases of cardiac arrest that occurred in Japan between 2005 and 2008 in adults. The patients were all treated by emergency personnel and taken to hospitals.
It was fairly uncommon for patients to receive epinephrine during the time period. For some of that time, emergency medical personnel who weren't doctors couldn't legally administer it in Japan.
When epinephrine was given to patients, the unadjusted results showed that 5.4 percent were still alive a month later, compared with 4.7 percent of those who didn't get the treatment. This isn't unusual, as cardiac arrest patients rarely survive.
Of those who did survive and had received epinephrine, only 25 percent did well neurologically. That's substantially lower than in patients who didn't receive epinephrine in other studies, the researchers wrote.
"This finding implies that epinephrine administration might save the heart but not the brain," study lead author Dr. Akihito Hagihara, a professor in the department of health services, management and policy at Kyushu University Graduate School of Medicine in Fukuoka City, and colleagues wrote.
Previous research has linked epinephrine to irregular heartbeats, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and disrupted circulation in the brain, Hagihara pointed out. "Negative effects might be due to these," he said.
Hagihara suggested that it's not time to abandon epinephrine entirely because the study findings still need to be verified.
While the study found an association between epinephrine for cardiac arrest and poor survival and neurological outcomes, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.
More information
For more about cardiac arrest, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
SOURCES: Clifton W. Callaway, M.D., executive vice chair, department of emergency medicine, University of Pittsburgh; Akihito Hagihara, M.P.H., professor, department of health services, management and policy, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medicine, Fukuoka City, Japan; March 21, 2012, Journal of the American Medical Association
27.Electroconvulsive therapy: Aberdeen team says it 'turns down overactive connection'
BBC News2012年3月19日
Electroconvulsive therapy for the severely depressed works by "turning down" an overactive connection between areas of the brain, Aberdeen researchers have claimed.
ECT - which involves placing electrodes on the temples and delivering a small electrical current - has been used by psychiatrists since the 1930s.
The aim is to shock the brain and to restore its natural chemical balance.
The University of Aberdeen team hopes the findings can help treatment.
In a paper published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the researchers have said that the treatment appears to turn down an overactive connection between areas of the brain that control mood and the parts responsible for thinking and concentrating.
This, they argue, stops the impact that depression has on the ability to enjoy life.
The study involved using MRI scans of the brains of nine severely depressed patients before and after ECT.
Prof Ian Reid, who led the research, said: "ECT is a controversial treatment, and one prominent criticism has been that it is not understood how it works and what it does to the brain.
"However we believe we've solved a 70-year-old therapeutic riddle because our study reveals that ECT affects the way different parts of the brain involved in depression connect with one another.
"For all the debate surrounding ECT, it is one of the most effective treatments, not just in psychiatry, but in the whole of medicine, because 75% to 85% of patients recover from the symptoms."
He added: "Over the last couple of years there has been an emerging new perspective on how depression affects the brain.
"This theory has suggested a 'hyperconnection' between the areas of the brain involved in emotional processing and mood change and the parts of the brain involved in thinking and concentrating.
"Our key finding is that if you compare the connections in the brain before and after ECT, ECT reduces the connection strength between these same areas - it reduces this hyperconnectivity.
"For the first time we can point to something that ECT does in the brain that makes sense in the context of what we think is wrong in people who are depressed."
The researchers now hope to continue monitoring the patients to see if the depression and hyperconnectivity returns.
'Make sense'
Prof Reid said: "If we understand more about how ECT works, we will be in a better position to replace it with something less invasive and more acceptable.
"At the moment only about 40% of people with depression get better with treatment from their GP.
"Our findings may lead to new drug targets which match the effectiveness of ECT without an impact on memory."
Prof David Nutt, of Imperial College London, said: "These findings make a lot of sense.
"Indeed, the disabling of connections between different areas of the brain is what I would have predicted from the depression literature.
"This is why my research group is progressing psilocybin - which also disrupts this network, as we showed in PNAS recently - as a treatment for depression."
28.Study Explains How Shock Therapy Might Ease Severe Depression
Treatment appears to reduce connections in a part of the brain involved in thought and socializing
HealthDay News2012年3月19日
A small new study gives insight into how electroshock therapy, an effective yet poorly understood treatment for severe depression, affects the brains of depressed people.
Researchers used functional MRI scans to look at brain activity in nine adults with severe depression before and after electroshock therapy. The investigators found that electroshock, or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), dampens the connections between different areas of the brain in depressed people.
"With our study we were able to confirm that there is hyperconnectivity [in depression], and in addition we could show that treatment removes it," said study co-author Christian Schwarzbauer, a professor of neuroimaging at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
Although it may seem counterintuitive that people with severe depression, who are often also lethargic, would have brains on overdrive, one explanation could be that they have too much internal brain activity and cannot deal as well with external stimulation, Schwarzbauer said.
This study could point to ways to improve electroshock therapy's effectiveness and safety, he added. In its 76-year history, the treatment has met with opposition from doctors because of concerns of its side effects, such as memory loss.
Electroshock therapy is typically only used for patients who have not responded to antidepressants or other types of treatment and are at risk of hurting themselves or others.
"I think the fact that now there's more of an explanation, I think that's reassuring to the clinician as well as the patient," said Jennifer Perrin, who is a research fellow at the University of Aberdeen and lead author of the study published online March 19 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
For the study, nine severely depressed participants underwent functional MRI scans of their whole brain before and after a series of electroshock therapy. They received the treatment twice a week until their symptoms, including sadness and fatigue, subsided.
The participants had not responded to antidepressant drugs before the study or received electroshock therapy in the past six months, although four of the patients were taking antipsychotic medications.
The researchers zeroed in on an area in the front of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. It had fewer and less intense connections with a number of other areas of the brain following electroshock therapy, the scans showed.
This particular part of the brain is involved in cognition [thought processes] and social behavior and has been implicated in depression, so this finding is not surprising, said Tony Tang, an adjunct professor of psychology at Northwestern University. What is surprising, he said, is that none of the many other brain areas that have been associated with depression were found to have cut-off lines of communication following electroshock therapy.
"ECT is a rather invasive, drastic procedure and you see a lot of changes in patients, so we would probably speculate that there would be some sort of widespread brain connectivity changes," Tang said. This study "found it to be localized, and I found that to be rather amazing."
During electroshock treatment, clinicians place electrodes on the scalp and, while the patient is under anesthesia, deliver enough electric current to induce a seizure. The therapy is more effective when electrodes are on both sides of the head, as opposed to just one, but unfortunately this also carries greater risk of side effects.
Having electrodes on both sides of the head may be more effective because it triggers a more widespread seizure, but the current findings suggest another possibility, Tang said: When clinicians put electrodes just on one side of the scalp, they usually put them over the right half of the brain because it is less dominant (for right-handed people). However, according to this study, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, in the left side of the brain, could be the crucial area to target.
"Most localized forms of stimulation we've tried so far don't work as well [as having electrodes on both sides], but this type of study could potentially point to the right direction," Tang said.
Looking at brain connections in people with severe depression could help clinicians predict who will benefit from electroshock therapy as well as who will relapse after treatment, Schwarzbauer suggested. Between about 60 percent and 80 percent of people become depressed again, usually within six months of the treatment.
Beyond depression, functional MRI of the entire brain could offer insights into other conditions that could be related to changes in brain networks, including autism, schizophrenia and dementia, Schwarzbauer said.
More information
The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has more on electroshock therapy.
SOURCES: Christian Schwarzbauer, Ph.D., chair, neuroimaging, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland; Jennifer Perrin, Ph.D., research fellow, University of Aberdeen, Scotland; Tony Tang, Ph.D., adjunct professor, psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago; March 19, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, online
29.Less Invasive Hernia Procedure Easier on Patients: Study
Less pain and faster recovery, but expert notes older approach sometimes still best
HealthDay News2012年3月19日
New research finds that a minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat hernias results in less chronic pain and a faster recovery when compared to a traditional approach.
One expert, however, said the older strategy may still be the best option in some cases.
"It's not one-size-fits-all," said Dr. L. Michael Brunt, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis. "One repair isn't appropriate for all circumstances."
Hernias occur when part of an internal organ, such as the intestines, bulges out through muscle. At issue are the surgical approaches that physicians use when a patient suffers from a hernia in the groin.
The procedures are designed to reduce the bulge of the hernia and make a patch so it doesn't protrude again. "It's as if you had a leak in a tire that's ballooned out," Brunt said. "You'll patch it to prevent it from continuing to protrude."
The study, led by researchers at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, examined two procedures.
One procedure, known as total extraperitoneal inguinal hernioplasty, is performed under a general anesthetic and uses a laparoscopic approach through a small opening. It was developed in the 1990s, Brunt said.
The other approach is older and is performed through a 2- to 2.5-inch incision in the groin, Brunt said. It can be done under local anesthesia. The study authors didn't examine a third approach, known as "patch and plug," he said.
In the study, researchers randomly assigned 660 hernia patients to one of the two surgical procedures. Almost all the patients were men, and their average age was around 55.
The researchers followed up with 75 percent of the patients after an average period of five years.
Hernias recurred in 5 percent of laparoscopic and 8 percent of the traditional-procedure patients. Recurrences decreased to 0.5 percent and 4 percent, respectively, if the procedures were performed by experienced surgeons.
After five years, 28 percent of those who had the traditional procedure reported chronic pain, compared to 15 percent of the laparoscopic group.
The study "confirms what a lot of surgeons who do both procedures know already," Brunt said. "There's less pain and a bit of a faster recovery from the laparoscopic procedure."
Still, "the vast majority of patients do well, regardless of the approach," he said.
Why use the traditional approach if the laparoscopic technique is better in some ways? The traditional approach may be appropriate when it's too risky to place patients under general anesthesia, Brunt said, such as in elderly patients and those with multiple health problems.
Brunt said the costs of the two procedures are comparable, although the laparoscopic procedure may cost more.
The findings appear in the March issue of the Archives of Surgery.
More information
For more about hernias, try the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
SOURCES: L. Michael Brunt, M.D., professor, surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis; March 2012 Archives of Surgery
30.New Type 2 Diabetes Drug Helps Lower Blood Sugar: Study
But, FDA wants questions about the drug's long-term safety answered before approval
HealthDay News2012年3月19日
A new type of medication for type 2 diabetes helps to lower blood sugar levels when used in concert with insulin and other diabetes drugs, new research suggests.
The medicine is called dapagliflozin, and average blood sugar levels were lower in those taking the drug compared to those taking a placebo; both groups in the trial also took insulin and other diabetes medications. Daily insulin doses went down for those on the drug, and body weight dropped slightly.
"This study looked at the effects of dapagliflozin treatment in people with type 2 diabetes with high blood sugars despite insulin treatment, and found it was effective at reducing blood sugar, body weight and blood pressure," said study author Dr. John Wilding, head of the department of obesity and endocrinology at the University Hospital Aintree in Liverpool, England.
"Possible disadvantages include a slightly higher risk of urine infections and genital fungal infections, although most of these responded well to standard treatment," he added.
Results of the study are published in the March 20 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study was funded by AstraZeneca and Bristol-Meyers Squibb, two pharmaceutical companies who are collaborating in the development of dapagliflozin.
Type 2 diabetes affects the way your body metabolizes sugar. In type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn't use the hormone insulin effectively or it doesn't make enough insulin, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Insulin allows the body's cells to convert sugar from food into fuel. If it isn't used well or there's not enough insulin, blood sugar levels will rise. High blood sugar levels can cause a number of serious health consequences, including damage to the eyes, kidneys and blood vessels.
In some cases, type 2 diabetes can be controlled with lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and exercising regularly. However, most people need medications to control their blood sugar levels, and many people need a combination of medications to lower their blood sugar.
Dapagliflozin is from a new class of type 2 diabetes medications that work by blocking the ability of the kidneys to hold sugar. This causes the kidneys to release sugar as waste in the urine.
Numerous clinical trials have found dapagliflozin to be effective at lowering blood sugar levels. Despite this beneficial effect, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently decided not to approve dapagliflozin until more information is available about its possible long-term side effects. The most significant concern cited by the FDA was a potential increase in the rates of bladder and breast cancer in people taking the drug.
Although the current trial wasn't long enough to look for longer-term outcomes, such as cancer, Wilding said that the slight increase in bladder and breast cancer was likely a chance finding. But, he said, because there is concern, it's important to continue surveillance for these cancers in future trials.
The current study was designed to see how the drug would work in combination with insulin and other type 2 diabetes medications.
The researchers enrolled just over 800 people with type 2 diabetes who were already taking insulin to control their blood sugar levels. In addition, the study volunteers could be taking up to two more blood sugar-lowering medications.
Study participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. They received either a placebo, or one of three doses of dapagliflozin (2.5, 5 or 10 milligrams) daily.
After 24 weeks of treatment, people in the dapagliflozin group lowered their average hemoglobin A1C level between 0.79 percent to 0.96 percent compared with a 0.39 percent reduction in those on placebo. Hemoglobin A1C is about a three-month average blood sugar level. People with diabetes are advised to keep their levels below 7 percent.
Insulin use also dropped for people taking the medication, suggesting more effective blood sugar control. And, body weight decreased between 2 pounds and 3.5 pounds for those taking the medication. Weight increased by almost 1 pound for those on placebo, according to the study.
In addition, the researchers found that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels went down more for those on the drug compared to those on placebo.
"In this study, dapagliflozin seemed to improve glucose control and lower the need for insulin, as well as cause some weight loss," said Dr. Sue Kirkman, senior vice president of medical affairs and community information of the American Diabetes Association.
"This is an interesting study on a new medication that's under development. It has a novel mechanism of action, but there have been some ongoing concerns about the safety of this class of medications, and none has been approved by the FDA yet," she noted.
More information
Learn more about type 2 diabetes and currently approved treatments from the American Diabetes Association.
SOURCES: John Wilding, D.M., professor, medicine, honorary consulting physician and head, department of obesity and endocrinology, Institute of Aging and Chronic Disease, Clinical Sciences Centre, University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, England; Sue Kirkman, M.D., senior vice president, medical affairs and community information, American Diabetes Association; March 20, 2012, Annals of Internal Medicine
31.Antioxidants May Not Help Alzheimer's Patients
Vitamin cocktail might even speed up mental decline, researchers say
HealthDay News2012年3月19日
Researchers have suggested that antioxidants might help thwart Alzheimer's disease, but a new study finds that a "cocktail" of vitamins E, vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid has no effect on certain indicators of the brain disorder.
The supplements may even have hastened mental decline, the researchers said.
"The benefit on oxidative stress in the brain was small and is of unclear significance," said lead researcher Dr. Douglas Galasko, a professor in residence in the department of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego.
"Patients did not show cognitive improvement in this short-term study; in fact, there was a slight worsening on one test of cognition in patients who received the antioxidant combination," Galasko said.
Aging causes oxidative damage in the brain, which is extensive in people with Alzheimer's disease. Clinical trials looking at whether a diet rich in antioxidants could reduce that risk have had mixed results, the researchers said.
This study does not support using any of these antioxidants once a diagnosis is made of established Alzheimer's disease, Galasko said. "If antioxidants continue to be tested against Alzheimer's disease, newer approaches or drugs may be needed," he said.
This study, published in the March 19 online edition of the Archives of Neurology, does not address whether taking antioxidants could help to prevent Alzheimer's disease, he noted. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia among older people.
For the study, Galasko's team gave antioxidant supplements to 78 patients with Alzheimer's disease who were part of a study funded by the U.S. National Institute on Aging. The patients were placed into three groups. One group received daily doses of vitamin E, vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid. A second group was given coenzyme Q (a compound made naturally in the body to protect cells from damage) three times a day. The third group received a placebo. After 16 weeks, 66 patients had their cerebrospinal fluid analyzed.
Among the three groups, the researchers found no difference in markers related to Alzheimer's disease in the cerebrospinal fluid. These markers included the amyloid-beta protein and the proteins tau and P-tau.
Galasko's group did see lower levels of one marker called F2-isoprostane, which could indicate a reduction in oxidative stress in the brain. However, the use of vitamins might have increased the pace of the disease, causing faster decline in mental ability, they cautioned.
Greg Cole, associate director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at the University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine, said that vitamin E alone has shown some limited benefits in Alzheimer patients, but with no evidence that it really works to reduce oxidative damage, and that alpha lipoate -- a form of alpha-lipoic acid -- alone has also had some reported benefits, he said.
"Unfortunately, these researchers found no impact on pathological protein levels, and in their small group of patients, their cognitive function actually declined more than in the placebo group," Cole noted.
The increased cognitive decline might be due to random variation, he said, "or it may be a surprising but real adverse effect from something as seemingly innocuous as an antioxidant cocktail."
His research group has seen similar adverse effects from some, but not all, antioxidant mixes, he said.
"This should be a caution to the supplement manufacturers who typically sell products throwing in some mix of what seems like a great group of sensible antioxidants," he added. "Everyone assumes that they will work well together and are good for you, but they don't test them."
More information
For more information on Alzheimer's disease, visit the Alzheimer's Association.
SOURCES: Douglas R. Galasko, M.D., professor in residence, Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego; Greg M. Cole, Ph.D., neuroscientist, Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System, and associate director, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine; March 19, 2012, Archives of Neurology, online
32.Lightheadedness Upon Standing Could Signal Heart Risk
Those with 'orthostatic hypotension' more likely to develop heart failure, study suggests
HealthDay News2012年3月19日
If your blood pressure drops suddenly when you stand up, leaving you feeling lightheaded or woozy, you may be at greater risk for developing heart failure, a new study suggests.
This condition is known as orthostatic hypotension. According to the study, people with orthostatic hypotension were 54 percent more likely to develop heart failure than their counterparts who did not develop low blood pressure upon standing. This risk was reduced to 34 percent when the researchers teased out those who also had high blood pressure.
"Multiple risk factors can increase a person's risk for developing heart failure, including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and diabetes," explained study author Dr. Christine DeLong Jones, a preventive medicine resident at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "Orthostatic hypotension may also increase this risk."
Heart failure occurs when the heart can no longer pump strongly enough for blood to the reach the rest of the body. About 5.7 million people in the United States have heart failure, and about 300,000 people die from it each year, according to the U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Exactly how orthostatic hypotension could lead to heart failure is not fully understood. "We speculate that orthostatic hypotension and high blood pressure may contribute to the risk of heart failure through a similar pathway, such as through high blood pressure that happens primarily when a person is laying down," she added.
For the new study, researchers looked at more than 12,000 people between the ages of 45 and 64 from four U.S. counties. Close to 11 percent of people who developed heart failure during about 17.5 years of follow-up had orthostatic hypotension at the start of the study, compared with only 4 percent of those who did not go on to develop heart failure. This link was most pronounced among people aged 45 to 55, according to the findings, published March 19 in Hypertension.
To test for orthostatic hypotension, your doctor will measure your blood pressure while lying down and shortly after standing up. Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a drop of 20 mm Hg or more in systolic (the top number) blood pressure or a decrease of 10 mm Hg or more in diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure upon standing.
Some people with orthostatic hypotension might not have symptoms and may not require treatment. Others may experience dizziness, and others may even pass out, Jones said. "If one passes out or has severe dizziness, they should see a provider urgently."
People with orthostatic hypotension who also have high blood pressure should take steps to control blood pressure, and make sure their heart is healthy, she said.
The study authors speculated that orthostatic hypotension might be an indicator of early atherosclerosis -- a buildup of plaque in the arteries -- brought on by high blood pressure.
However, the study does not show that orthostatic hypotension causes heart failure, merely an association between the two.
Dr. Robert Myerburg, a professor of cardiology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, said it is way too premature to say that orthostatic hypotension is a risk factor for heart failure based on this study.
"Orthostatic hypotension can cause unpleasant symptoms and if they lead to loss of consciousness or near loss of consciousness, it can lead to accidents, but this is not something that will lead to cardiac arrest," he said. His advice is to drink plenty of fluid if you have low blood pressure upon standing. "If it doesn't bother you or cause any significant symptoms, you don't have to treat it," he said.
Dr. Stephen Green, chief of cardiology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y., agreed. "If you get lightheaded, see your doctor and they should see if you have orthostatic blood pressure, which is a common source of lightheadedness or dizziness when you change positions," he said.
"It doesn't mean you will die of heart failure if you have it, but over time, we can keep an eye on any signs or symptoms for heart failure," Green added.
Dr. Tara Narula, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that anything that helps diagnose heart failure earlier could be beneficial. "This is an interesting paper, and if orthostatic hypotension proves to be a cause or leads to heart failure in future studies, we could possible identify heart failure earlier than we can now."
More information
Learn more about heart failure and how to treat it at the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
SOURCES: Robert Myerburg, M.D., professor, cardiology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Christine DeLong Jones, M.D., M.S., preventive medicine resident, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Stephen Green, M.D., chief, cardiology, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, N.Y.; Tara Narula, M.D., cardiologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; March 19, 2012, Hypertension
33.Could Statins Help Prevent Pneumonia?
Study suggests possible modest effect, but drugs shouldn't be taken for this use, experts say
HealthDay News2012年3月19日
Statin drugs, which are used to lower cholesterol, might reduce a bit the risk of developing pneumonia, a new study suggests.
Researchers analyzed data from a large international study that looked at the efficacy of rosuvastatin (Crestor) in preventing heart disease. The trial included almost 18,000 adults aged 50 or older who had no history of heart disease or diabetes. Participants were randomly selected to receive Crestor or an inactive placebo.
"These data from a major randomized trial support the hypothesis that statin treatment may be associated with a modest protective effect against some infections," said lead researcher Dr. Victor Novack, head of the Clinical Research Center at Soroka University Medical Center in Israel.
"We consider this analysis to be an additional step toward a definite trial that will specifically investigate the statin effect on infection," he said.
The researchers also found a decrease in some other types of infections such as soft tissue infections, gynecologic infections and fungal infections, Novack said.
In the past, statins such as Lipitor and others have been touted by some researchers for protecting brain function and lowering the risk for multiple sclerosis. However, they have also been linked to memory loss, depression and an increased risk for developing diabetes.
The new study was published March 19 in the CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).
Novack's group found that during roughly two years of follow-up, 214 of those taking the statin developed pneumonia, compared with 257 of those receiving the placebo.
While the study uncovered an association between statin use and a decrease in pneumonia, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.
One problem with the finding may be that people taking statins take better care of themselves, the so-called "healthy user effect."
However, Novack discounts this explanation. "The randomized nature of our trial of more than 17,000 men and women -- study participants were not aware whether they are treated with statin or placebo -- excludes this possibility," he said.
"The effect observed in our trial is modest as compared to the observational studies, but appears to be robust," he added. "These results can be used as a basis for the further investigations."
Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that "this study shows a very modest, maybe minimal decrease in pneumonia in people who use statins. It's hard to say this is significant."
Horovitz added, "I don't think you would start somebody on statins just because it might reduce their possibility of pneumonia. You would give them a vaccine against pneumococcal pneumonia. But you don't put them on a statin if you want to reduce pneumonia."
And Horovitz noted, the study doesn't take into account whether or not any of the participants had been vaccinated, which could throw the figures off.
"If somebody is on a statin and they have a slightly less chance of getting pneumonia that's great, but it wouldn't be a reason to initiate statins," he stressed.
Another expert, Dr. David Friedman, a cardiologist at North Shore-LIJ Health System in New Hyde Park, N.Y., commented that "there has been some thought that statins act as an anti-inflammatory above and beyond cholesterol lowering."
However, statins aren't benign -- they do have some side effects. "So it's premature for anyone to start taking statins to prevent pneumonia," Friedman said.
Two study co-authors have received consultation fees and funding from AstraZeneca, the makers of Crestor.
More information
For more about statins, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
SOURCES: Victor Novack, M.D., Ph.D., head, Clinical Research Center, Soroka University Medical Center, Israel; Len Horovitz, M.D., pulmonary specialist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; David A. Friedman, M.D., cardiologist, North Shore-LIJ Health System, New Hyde Park, N.Y.; March 19, 2012, CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal), online
35. プレスリリース
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