1776年に書かれた文書で、アメリカにあった13のイギリス植民地が、彼らが独立国家となること、そして、これ以上イギリスの支配下であることに同意しないことを公式に述べたものである。その中で最も有名な部分は次のとおり。「我らは以下の諸事実を自明なものと見なす。すべての人間は平等につくられている。創造主によって,生存,自由そして幸福の追求を含むある侵すべからざる権利を与えられている。」 (LDOCEより)
アメリカの歴史のウェブページ(My HP)はこちら
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"Declaration of Independence"
the document written in 1776, in which the thirteen British colonies in America officially stated that they were an independent nation and would no longer agree to be ruled by Britain. The most famous part of it is: We hold these trusts to be self-evident, that all men are created equall, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (LDOCE)
"Liberty Bell"
a bell, kept in Philadelphia, in the US state of Pennsylvania, which was rung on July 8th, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War to tell people of the Declaration of Independence from Britain. Because of this, the bell became a symbol of liberty for the US. In 1846 it cracked when it was rung to celebrate the birthday of George Washington, and it could not be repaired.
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